


The JavaScript console is not always easy to access when developing in Cordova. The console is available in Safari when developing for iOS but it can't be opened until after the simulator has been started. The whole initialization is therefore missed. The plugin that is available does not always works.

The simplest solution to provide logging is to override the console functions for logging. The fragment below shows how this can be done. It also logs to a remote server which is handy since the device screen often is to small for reading long log outputs.

The fragment below is inteded to be used with simple-logserver

      // Make sure to update Content-Security-Policy in index.html if this is changed       
      var LOG_SERVER = 'http://localhost:8126';

      // convert arguments to a string
      var serialize = function () {
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
        var msg = '';
        args.forEach(function (arg) {
          if (typeof arg === 'object') msg += JSON.stringify(arg);
          else msg += arg;

        return msg;

      var addLogDiv = function () {
        var div = document.createElement("div");
        div.id = 'log';

      // manage a div used for logging
      var logInDiv = function () {
        var msg = serialize(arguments);

        if (document.getElementById('log') && document.getElementById('log').childElementCount > 30)

        if (!document.getElementById('log')) addLogDiv();

        document.getElementById('log').innerHTML += msg + '
'; }; var logRemote = function () { var msg = serialize(arguments); var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.open('POST', LOG_SERVER); req.send(msg); }; // Logging both in the app and on the remote server var log = function () { logInDiv(arguments); logRemote(arguments); }; console.log = log; console.info = log; console.error = log; window.onerror = log; window.logRemote = logRemote;
Also availavle here for downloading.